The negativityquant-ph/0102117 is an entanglement measure which is easy to compute.
The negativity can be defined as:
- ρΓA is the partial transpose of ρ with respect to subsystem A
- ||X||1=Tr|X|=Tr√X†X is the trace norm or the sum of the sigular values of the operator X.
An alternative and equivalent definition is the absolute sum of the negative eigenvalues of ρΓA:
N(ρ):=∑i|λi|−λi2 where λi are all of the eigenvalues.
- Is a convex function of ρ:
𝒩(∑ipiρi) ≤ ∑ipi𝒩(ρi)
- Is an entanglement monotone:
𝒩(P(ρi)) ≤ 𝒩(ρi)
- where P(ρ) is an arbitrary LOCC operation over ρ
See also
Category:Quantum Information Theory Category:Handbook of Quantum Information Category:Entanglement
Last modified:
Monday, October 26, 2015 - 17:56