
The negativityquant-ph/0102117 is an entanglement measure which is easy to compute.

The negativity can be defined as:



  • ρΓA is the partial transpose of ρ with respect to subsystem A
  • ||X||1=Tr|X|=TrXX is the trace norm or the sum of the sigular values of the operator X.

An alternative and equivalent definition is the absolute sum of the negative eigenvalues of ρΓA:

N(ρ):=i|λi|λi2 where λi are all of the eigenvalues.


𝒩(∑ipiρi) ≤ ∑ipi𝒩(ρi)

𝒩(P(ρi)) ≤ 𝒩(ρi)

where P(ρ) is an arbitrary LOCC operation over ρ

See also

Category:Quantum Information Theory Category:Handbook of Quantum Information Category:Entanglement

Last modified: 

Monday, October 26, 2015 - 17:56