Groups working in quantum computing and quantum information
Title |
Research type |
Country |
Quantum Information and Computing, research program at Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy |
Theory |
Italy |
Quantum Science and Technology in Trento |
Theory and Experiment |
Italy |
Quantum Theory group |
Theory |
Italy |
Superconducting Quantum Computing Group |
Experiment |
Italy |
Digital Materials Lab., Advanced Science Institute |
Theory |
Japan |
Quantum Systems Unit |
Theory |
Japan |
Quantum Condensed Matter Research Group, RIKEN |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |
Physico-Infomatics and Systems Laboratory, University of Tsukuba |
Theory |
Japan |
Quantum Frontier Group, Hiroshima University |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |
Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |
Advancing Quantum Architecture |
Theory |
Japan |
Quantum Computation and Information Project, ERATO-SORST, JST |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |
Quantum Machines Unit - Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |
Shikano Group at Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences |
Theory and Experiment |
Japan |