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Welcome to Quantiki, the world's leading portal for everyone involved in quantum information science. No matter if you are a researcher, a student or an enthusiast of quantum theory, this is the place you are going to find useful and enjoyable! While here on Quantiki you can: browse our content, including fascinating and educative articles, then create your own account and log in to gain more editorial possibilities.
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Submission deadline:
Thursday, February 28, 2013
The search for a theory which would unite the insights of general relativity with those of quantum theory, a theory of quantum gravity, has now lasted the better part of a century. Although a number of promising candidate theories have emerged (string theory and loop quantum gravity being the most prominent), a large array of conceptual, formal and methodological issues are still unresolved.
Submitted by
Devin on Mon, 04/02/2013 - 11:36.
Submission deadline:
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Registration deadline:
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The third AQuA Student Congress on Quantum Information and Computation will take place from the 30th August-1st September 2013 at Imperial College London.
This event directly follows the QuICC summer school and provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to present their current research through a short presentation or a poster. This allows students to meet their peers and learn about their research whilst gaining valuable experience showcasing their work in a relaxed environment.
Submitted by
Devin on Mon, 04/02/2013 - 11:32.
The third AQuA Student Congress on Quantum Information and Computation will take place from the 30th August-1st September 2013 at Imperial College London.
This event directly follows the QuICC summer school and provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to present their current research through a short presentation or a poster. This allows students to meet their peers and learn about their research whilst gaining valuable experience showcasing their work in a relaxed environment.
Submitted by
Poschmidt on Sat, 02/02/2013 - 22:04.
We deal with precision spectroscopy of trapped and laser-cooled atomic and molecular ions. For this purpose, we develop novel technologies for the coherent manipulation of individual ions and their spectroscopy.
To support our team, we are looking for 3 candidates for a PhD degree to join us in the three different projects described below. The salary will be paid in accordance with remuneration group 13 TVöD Bund (85%).
International Workshop ‘Quantum Interaction 2013’
Dates: 25th - 27th July 2013
Place: University of Leicester, Main Campus - Leicester, Leicestershire, UK.
In Memoriam of Bart D'Hooghe (August 15 - 2012)
Professor at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium); Co-ordinator of the Leo Apostel Centre and IQSA (International Quantum Structure Association) Secretary
The 2013 Quantum Interaction conference at the University of Leicester follows from a list of highly successful meetings held at Stanford University; Oxford University; the German Research Centre fo