
This is a rerun of Caslav Brukner's Q+ hangout that originally took place in July. Note the earlier than usual starting time.

Date: Tuesday 18th September
Time: 12noon British Summer Time
Speaker: Caslav Brukner (University of Vienna)
Title: Quantum correlations with indefinite causal order

Date: Tuesday 28th August 2012
Time: 14:00 British Summer Time
Speaker: Francesco Buscemi (Nagoya University)
Title: All entangled quantum states are nonlocal: equivalence between locality and separability in quantum theory

In this talk I will show how, by slightly modifying the rules of nonlocal games, one can prove that all entangled states violate local realism.

Time: 2pm BST
Title: Quantum correlations with indefinite causal order


Time: 2pm British Summer Time
Speaker: Scott Aaronson (MIT)
Title: Quantum Money from Hidden Subspaces

Speaker: Joe Fitzsimons, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore
Date: Tuesday 29th May 2012
Time: 14:00 British Summer Time

Title: Universal blind quantum computation


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