9th International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, 9-12 August 2016


ICITS 2016

Submission deadline: 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


ICITS 2016 - 9th International Conference on Information Theoretic Security

9-12 August 2016, Tacoma, Washington, USA.



This is the ninth in a series of conferences that aims to bring together the leading researchers in the areas of information theory, quantum information theory, and cryptography. ICITS covers all aspects of information- theoretic security, from relevant mathematical tools to theoretical modeling to implementation. ICITS is an event in cooperation with The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Papers on all technical aspects of these topics are solicited for submission. Areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:

Adversarial channel models
Authentication codes
Bounded-storage models
Biometric security
Codes, lattices & cryptography
Cryptography from noisy channels
Implementation challenges
Information-theoretic reductions
Information-theoretic tools in computational settings
Key and message rates
Multiparty computations
Network coding security
Nonlocality and nonsignaling
Physical layer security
Physical models & assumptions
Quantum cryptography
Quantum information theory
Randomness extraction
Secret sharing
Wiretap channels

- Important Dates

Extended Conference track submission deadline: 20th of April, 2016
Extended Workshop track submission deadline: 20th of April, 2016
Decision notification: 1st of June, 2016
Conference: 9-12 of August, 2016
Note: ICITS 2016 takes place right before Crypto 2016!

- Invited Speakers
Sanjam Garg - UC Berkeley
Martin Roetteler - Microsoft Research
Amit Sahai - UCLA
Stefano Tessaro - UCSB

- Two Tracks: Conference and Workshop

As the goal of ICITS is to bring together researchers on all aspects of information-theoretic security, it consists of two tracks with different types of contributed presentations:

Conference Track (with proceedings): Submissions to this track must be original papers that have not previously appeared in published form. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and will appear in the conference proceedings. The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.

Workshop Track (no proceedings): To encourage presentation of work from a variety of fields (especially those where conference publication is unusual or makes journal publication difficult), the committee also solicits “workshop track” papers. Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference but will not appear in the proceedings. Submissions to this track that have previously appeared (or are currently submitted elsewhere) are acceptable. Papers that describe work in progress are also welcome. We note that the same standards of quality will apply to conference and workshop papers.

Complete submission guidelines and program committee can be found online: http://www.icits2016.com/