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Dear Colleagues,
it is our pleasure to announce the 25th edition of the CEWQO (Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics), which will be hosted by IFISC, Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems and take place at the campus of the UIB, Mallorca (Spain), from 21 to 25 of May 2018.
This annual meeting in quantum optics and quantum information follows a series of successful editions across several countries in Europe, the last one in DTU (Denmark) with more than 200 participants. Topics include fundamental aspects of quantum optics; non-classical and multi-mode states, quantum correlations and quantum tomography; open quantum systems; quantum information, simulations and sensing; quantum communication; quantum optics with atoms, ions, molecules; cavity and circuit QED; opto-mechanical systems; quantum optics in condensed matter systems.
Abstract submission will start on December 15th.
DEADLINE EXTENDED until 22th January.
Notification of acceptance on February 20th 2018.
Plenary speakers:
Markus Aspelmeyer. University of Vienna, Austria
Peter Lodahl. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Andreas Wallraff. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Christine Silberhorn. University of PaderBorn, Germany
Andrew White. University of Queensland, Australia
Invited speakers:
Ana Asenjo. Caltech, Pasadena, USA
Alexia Auffeves. Institut Néel, CNRS/UGA, France
Marco Barbieri. Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy
Steve Barnett. Glasgow University, UK
Darrick Chang. ICFO, Spain
Viktor Dodonov. University of Brasilia, Brasil
Peter Domokos. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
Ivette Fuentes. University of Nottingham, UK
Adam Gali. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
Juan José García Ripoll. IFF Madrid, Spain
Jonathan Home. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Michal Karpinski. University of Warsaw, Poland
Christiane Koch. University of Kassel, Germany
Sabrina Maniscalco. University of Turku, Finland
Anna Napoli. Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy
Ruth Oulton. University of Bristol
Arno Rauschenbeutel. Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Austria
Mario Silveirinha. University of Lisbon, Portugal
Nicolas Treps. LKB, France
Paolo Villoresi. University of Padova, Italy
We look forward to meeting you in Palma!
The organizing committee