Doctoral Training Programme @ ECT*: "High-Energy and Nuclear Physics within Quantum Technologies”




Monday, June 28, 2021 to Friday, July 23, 2021

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Dear colleagues,

we are glad to announce a four-week PhD School on "High-Energy and Nuclear Physics within Quantum Technologies” which will be held from 28 June 2021 — 23 July 2021 Virtual/Online at the ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas) in Trento, Italy.

High-Energy and Nuclear Physics within Quantum Technologies

In the past few years, noteworthy progress has been achieved in the understanding and control of quantum many-body systems that are relevant to solving models in high-energy, nuclear, and condensed matter physics.

This progress has been to a substantial extent the result of a collaborative effort of different communities. New tools and concepts from quantum information and quantum optics are now supplying new avenues to address open problems in particle, nuclear, and statistical physics, complementing more traditional approaches.

The purpose of this school is to bring together experts and leaders in quantum information and high-energy physics to train a new generation of researchers in the state-of-the-art methods, applications, and open problems in both fields. This school will have an important impact on enhancing synergies and further progress in this fast-developing field. The programme will also have a series of more specialized lectures on the latest developments.

The school, which is organised in the framework of the ECT* Doctoral Training Programme, includes lectures from leading experts in Quantum Technologies, Nuclear and High-Energy Physics and is open to interested students and researchers (see:

Christof Gattringer Philipp Hauke
"Lattice QCD methods” "Open Quantum Systems and Optical Lattice”

Zohreh Davoudi MariCarmen Bañuls
"Nuclear Physics and effective theories” "Tensor network methods"

Stefan Schaefer Fred Jendrzejewski
"Challenges in Lattice QCD” "Experimental tools: cold gases, optical lattices”

David Kaplan Rainer Blatt
"Chiral Theories” "Experimental tools in ion traps"

Deadline for applications 28/04/2021
Registration available from 28/04/2021 until 06/06/2021
More details for applications can be found in the webpage

The Organizing Committee:
Pilar Hernandez, Simone Montangero, Yasser Omar, Enrique Rico