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Dear colleagues,
in late August we are organizing a workshop in Siegen dedicated to the study of limits of autonomous evolution of quantum systems and limitations of such dynamics. We would be grateful if you could send the following announcement to potentially interested groups and researchers. Thank you!
Geometry of quantum dynamics
Fundamental physical interactions on experimentally accessible energy scales are pairwise and time-independent: The force between atoms is a result of a two-body potential, light-matter interaction involves two subsystems, and scattering in lattice systems takes a form of two-particle coupling. Such mechanisms are naturally time-independent, and any change in the dynamics can only be a result of external control.
The workshop Geometry of quantum dynamics is dedicated to the study of such systems. Some of such interactions happen naturally and can be reliably tuned to suit various experimental needs. It may be asked then: what states can be reached this way?
We will explore the expressive power of autonomous two-body dynamics, from tractable systems (e.g. spin dynamics) to quantum chaos, quantum control, and possible mathematical approaches.
The workshop will take place in 28-30 August 2024 at Universität Siegen in Siegen, Germany.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Henrik Wilming (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
- Mischa Woods (University of Grenoble Alpes/ENS Lyon)
- Géza Tóth (UPV/EHU, Bilbao and Wigner RCP, Budapest)
- Felix Huber (Bordeaux Computer Science Lab)
- Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen (Technical University of Munich)
Submissions of contributed talks are welcome. Attendance is free of charge, but we are unable to provide travel support.
More details will follow soon on the workshop homepage. For questions, please send a message to
Please register by August 15, 2024. Talk submission is open until July 31, 2024.