Harnessing Quantum Computing for real-world use cases: an overview of current advances


Friday, November 5, 2021 to Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Registration deadline: 

Friday, November 5, 2021

NEASQC (NExt ApplicationS in Quantum Computing) is a Europe funded initiative to foster industrial applications of Quantum Computing.

Does the hype around Quantum and specifically Quantum Computing leave you pondering what’s really behind it?

Could your applications benefit from Quantum Computing – already in the NISQ era?

Attend our webinars to learn more about the actual state of research, straight from recognized experts in their respective fields.
The NEASQC project is investigating a wide selection of NISQ-compatible real-world use-cases, related to chemistry, machine learning and optimisation, and symbolic AI and graph algorithmics. Our academic and industrial partners team together to develop new quantum software techniques to solve those use-cases with a practical quantum advantage. To select the best approaches, we engage regularly with other Quantum Computing enthusiasts. And our ultimate ambition is to encourage and provide toolsets for other European user communities to investigate NISQ quantum computing for their own use cases.

This motivated us to set up a series of webinars that are not a simple overview of the NEASQC use cases, but a platform to learn from and exchange with the best experts in the fields covered by our project.

Check our programme and register for the sessions that are of interest to you! Our webinars are free, except for the workshop co-located with EQTC. All webinars will be recorded and the recordings will be freely available after the events.