Interdisciplinary Workshop on Quantum Device--towards operation of the quantum information and the quantum computer 2014


IWQD 2014

Registration deadline: 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Submission deadline: 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Quantum Device--towards operation of the quantum information and the quantum computer--2014 is held to aim at attracting the interests of international researchers in interdisciplinary quantum devices such as seen in quantum optics, laser physics, spintronics, superconducting circuits, and quantum dots, etc. We in particular focus on the technology for operation of the quantum information and the quantum computer.

The topics include:
*) the fundamentals in theory of the quantum devices
*) the cutting-edge technologies in experiments on the quantum devices
*) the mathematical aspects like the modeling of the quantum devices

Invited Speakers:
*) Sébastien Gleyzes(Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, École Normale Supérieure, Paris)
*) Yutaka Shikano(IMS)
*) Koji Azuma (NTT) (to be confirmed)
*) Kentaro Wakui (NICT) (to be confirmed)
*) Nobuyuki Matsuda(NTT) (to be confirmed)
*) Yuichiro Matsuzaki (NTT) (to be confirmed)
*) Fumiki Yoshihara (RIKEN) (to be confirmed)

Up-and-Coming Young Researchers:
*) Atsushi Noguchi(Osaka Univ)
*) Yutaka Tabuchi(Univ of Tokyo)
*) Nobuyuki Matsumoto (University of Tokyo)