New trends in complex quantum systems dynamics 2022


Monday, June 20, 2022 to Friday, June 24, 2022

Registration deadline: 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Submission deadline: 

Saturday, April 30, 2022

In our Quantum Science era where fault-tolerant quantum devices are still not available but Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices are accessible, quantum information tools to guide their development play a fundamental role. With the foreseen increasing complexity of available NISQ devices, their classical simulations - which drove their development until now - will soon fail to keep up. There is thus an urgent need for increasingly powerful diagnostic tools that can be applied to quantum devices even in the quantum advantage regime. At the center of the quantum-inspired algorithms lay tensor networks, one of the most powerful paradigms for simulating quantum many-body lattice systems, both in- and out-of-equilibrium, via a representation of the quantum state with tailored variational ansatz wave functions. The results of this workshop will be an essential tool to advance our understanding of dynamical and strong-correlation effects in quantum matter also beyond the NISQ era. Our activity is only possible thanks to a collaborative effort between theory and experiment, and an interdisciplinary approach leveraging the combined expertise of researchers from atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) quantum technologies (QTs), and high-energy physics. This workshop brings together various key actors who will influence the future development of the leading QTs. The results shown in this workshop will have applications ranging from condensed matter physics over high-energy physics to quantum information theory, facilitating the design of new materials, and even more efficient chemical reactions.


This workshop will show highly collaborative advanced multidisciplinary science and innovative engineering project with the potential to initiate and foster new lines of quantum technologies.

Quantum simulation and computation: the planned talks in the workshop will show new ways to use existing quantum platforms and apply them to chemistry, condensed matter, and high-energy physics, among others.
Quantum information science: the planned talks in the workshop will show paradigmatic tools to analyze and study quantum systems for quantum information purposes.
Quantum sensing: the planned talks in the workshop will show paradigmatic tools to analyze and study magnetic field sensing with super resolution spectroscopy and single-molecule NMR.

The expected impacts of the workshop are:

Develop a deeper fundamental and practical understanding of systems and protocols for manipulating and exploiting quantum information with the invited and contributed talks and the poster session.
Identify new opportunities and applications to be fostered through quantum technologies, creating synergies among the most important researchers in the community.
Enhance interdisciplinarity in crossing traditional boundaries between disciplines to enlarge the community involved in tackling these new challenges, with this in-person activity.


S. Montangero (Padova Univ.)
J. Prior (Murcia Univ.)
E. Rico (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque)


M.G. Echevarria (UPV/EHU)
I.L. Egusquiza (UPV/EHU)
G. Schnell (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque)


February 2022, the registration of participation opens.
April 2022, contributed talks and accepted posters are announced.
May 2022, the general participation registration closes.


To submit an oral contribution or a poster please send an email to with the subject "congress submission" where it is stated the title, abstract and references of the possible contribution (oral or poster)