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Quantum Information Processing (QIP) is a rapidly developing field of research spanning both physics and computer science. As the name implies, the field extends information processing (including computing and cryptography) to physical regimes where quantum effects become significant.
QIP 2011 is the fourteenth workshop on theoretical aspects of quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum information theory in a series that started in Aarhus in 1998 and was held last year in Zurich. QIP 2011 will feature plenary talks (called invited talks at previous QIP workshops), featured papers (previously called long contributed talks), contributed papers, and a poster session. Submissions of abstracts for contributed papers are sought in research areas related to quantum information science and quantum information processing. A small number of contributed paper submissions will be selected as featured papers. The submission to QIP should consist of 2-3 pages, containing a non-technical, clear and insightful description of the results and main ideas, their impact, and their importance to quantum information and computation. In addition, the submission should direct the reader to a technical version of the work (this should preferably be online but otherwise can be provided as an attachment). The submission should not consist of a compressed version of the technical exposition of the paper, but instead should facilitate the reading of the technical version and help the program committee assess its importance. In exceptional cases, submissions without technical versions may be accepted. The 2-3 page abstracts of the accepted contributed papers and featured papers will be posted on the QIP 2011 website. More details will be provided in the acceptance notices.
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