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After decades of research, we are finally getting closer to unlocking the power of quantum computing. With recent developments in quantum hardware and software, quantum computations that are of real-world relevance, for example in computational chemistry, seem to be within reach. However, a lot of theoretical groundwork has yet to be done to reach these ambitious goals.
Continuing the previous series of Heilbronn quantum algorithms meetings (2010-2019) hosted in Bristol and Cambridge, QCTIP fosters discussion between theorists and practitioners of quantum computing. With keynote speakers, a series of invited talks from academia and industry, poster sessions and panels, we will take stock of the newest developments in the field and map future developments. Riverlane is proud to be hosting the conference.
To register for the conference (including submission of a contributed poster), please go to for more information. If you’d like to submit a contributed talk, please see below for instructions.
Keynote Speaker
Barbara Terhal, TU Delft
Invited Speakers
Stephanie Barz, University of Stuttgart
Simon Benjamin, University of Oxford
Joseph Emerson, University of Waterloo
Craig Gidney, Google
Mario Szegedy, Alibaba
Kristan Temme, IBM Research
Call for Submissions
Submissions are invited for contributed talks. Talks will be selected on the basis of scientific excellence; fit to the topic of the workshop; and balance of the programme.
Submissions should correspond to recent research contributions in quantum information and computation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Applications of quantum computers
Architectures for quantum computing
Quantum algorithms
Quantum compilation and circuit optimisation
Quantum error correction and fault tolerance
Simulation of quantum systems
Theory of near-term quantum computing
Verification of quantum devices
All submissions for talks must be made online through the EasyChair submission system at
A submission should consist of a full paper corresponding to the work, including technical details. This manuscript may be from an online repository, such as the arXiv, however, a PDF copy of the paper must be uploaded. If your submission consists of multiple papers, they should be merged into a single file.
We encourage all workshop attendees to present a poster. Poster details can be provided during registration.
Programme Committee
Iordanis Kerenidis, CNRS/QCWare
Andris Ambainis, University of Latvia
Srinavasan Arunachalam, MIT/IBM Research
Earl Campbell, University of Sheffield/Riverlane
Stacey Jeffery, CWI/QuSoft
Elham Kashefi, University of Edinburgh and CNRS (Sorbonne Université)
Important dates
Submission deadline: 17 January 2020, 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth)
Notification: 14 February 2020
Registration deadline: 13 March 2020