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Submission deadline:
We would like to draw your attention to the annual meeting of
the division "Quantum Information" of the German Physical Society,
taking place in-person in Regensburg (Germany) from 4 - 9 September
2022. This year, the meeting is organized as a part of the meeting
of the condensed matter section, you find more information and the
abstract submission page at
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, 31 May 22. So far, the
confirmed invited speakers are Rami Barends, Stefanie Barz, Johannes
Borregaard, Hans-Peter Büchler, Stefan Filipp, Ronald Hanson,
Tobias Huber, Martin Kliesch, Kamil Korzekwa, Mario Krenn, Markus P.
Müller, Armando Rastelli, Uri Vool, and Vadim Vorobyov.
We are looking forward to meet you at the conference in September!