Web page:
Registration deadline:
The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), in collaboration with Chalmers University, Gothenburg (Sweden), is organising a summer school on "Quantum Integrable Systems and Quantum Information Theory" from 18-24 August 2013. The School is aimed at postgraduate students and young researchers, as well as at higher level undergraduate students with an interest in quantum systems and/or quantum information theory. The school will take place in Lawlors Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Students are expected to fund their own flight and accommodation but all other costs are covered by DIAS, including speakers, coffees/teas and a bus which will be organised from Dublin airport to Dungarvan on Sunday 18th, returning Saturday 24th August. The speakers are: Prof. Vladimir Korepin (Stony Brook, NY), Prof. Simon Ruijsenaars (Leeds, UK), Prof. Henrik Johannesson (Gothenburg), Prof. Mark M. Wilde (Louisiana State University) and Dr. Nilanjana Datta (Cambridge).
Prof. Tony Dorlas (STP-DIAS, Dublin, Ireland)
Prof. Alexander Stolin (Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden)
'''Speakers and Programme'''
* Prof. Vladimir Korepin (Stony Brook, NY)
* Prof. Simon Ruijsenaars (Leeds, UK)
* Prof. Henrik Johannesson (Gothenburg)
* Prof. Mark M. Wilde (Louisiana State University)
* Dr. Nilanjana Datta (Cambridge)
Please register on the web page.
Closing date for registration and payment of €50 deposit is 1st June 2013. The balance of the registration fee must be paid by Wednesday 31st July 2013.
Please note that there is a limited amount of financial support available towards this. For further information on financial support, please contact Professor Alexander Stolin :
The Summer School will be held in Lawlors hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
Accommodation has been blocked-booked by DIAS for twin rooms and the registration fee to cover the cost of this shared accommodation is €360 in total. (which includes b&b and evening dinner). It may be possible to book a single room for an additional supplement. If you prefer this option, a higher registration fee of €480 will be payable.
Accommodation is booked for 6 nights from Sunday 18th August to Friday 23rd August inclusive.
'''Contact Details'''
* +353 1 6140122 (Mary Brennan)
* +353 1 6140188 (Mary Burke)
* +353 1 6140100 (DIAS Main Reception)
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