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NEASQC is organising a series of interactive webinars to share our findings with the quantum computing community. Each month NEASQC experts present an Open Source library available in the NEASQC GitHub or a technique they investigated, and answer your questions.
In November, we are sharing some outcomes from the use case Quantum probabilistic safety assessment (QPSA).
Abstract: In this presentation, we give an overview of the quantum algorithms identified or developed in the NEASQC project to deal with probabilistic safety assessment problems. Some of these algorithms require hardware capabilities that are not yet available in the quantum computing industry, hopefully some others based on hybrid quantum-classical approaches showed some advantages at least using simulators but need to be tested on quantum hardware to verify their scalability in such hardware.
Speaker: Dr Mohamed Hibti, EDF
Mohamed Hibti holds a Masters’ Degree in Number Theory and a Doctorate in Mathematics and Applications from the University of Franche-Comté. After working as a Research Engineer on combinatorial optimisation at Inovia, he joined EDF R&D in 2001 to work on nuclear safety, and has been the leader of the methodology and software support team for the PSA community at EDF for more than 10 years. He contributed to the EPR PSA project, and many methodological PSA projects and applications. He also participated in different EU projects ; ASAMPSA-E (Advanced Safety Assessment Methodologies: Extended PSA), METIS (Seismic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Safety), PRAETORIAN (Protection of Critical Infrastructures from advanced combined cyber and physical threats) and NEASQC (NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing).
Since 2017 he has been participating in the EDF /Quantum Computing Initiative/ and the /Quantum computing Project/ at EDF R&D, and working as an Expert Researcher on complexity problems (complex networks, computational complexity and quantum algorithms) and advanced tools for PSA modelling, evaluation and visualisation.
Related publications and Open Source libraries
Hybrid divide-and-conquer approach for tree search algorithms (report)
D6.6 Divide and quantum open source software (report)
D6.6 Divide and quantum open source software (github)
D6.8 State-of-the-art of SAT and PSA solvers in the light of Quantum Computing (report)
Quantum Approach for Vertex Separator Problem in Directed Graphs (IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2022)
D6.18 QPSA Quantum Walks and Markov Algorithms (report)