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This workshop will bring together the diverse communities that will need to co-operate to standardize and deploy the next-generation cryptographic infrastructure, in particular, one that will be secure against emerging quantum computing technologies.
The aim of this workshop will be to set out some short and medium term objectives towards the long-term goal of a quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure. Such goals could include, for example, a standard for combining a battle-tested conventional key-establishment algorithm with a quantum-safe key establishment protocol, other study items or pre-standards, etc.
In order to achieve these goals, all stakeholders are encouraged to start new standardization work within ETSI (either new groups and/or expand the role of some existing groups).
'''Call for Presentations'''
ETSI is now calling for presentations on the following topics:
1. Deployment and integration of practical QKD networks
2. Testing, metrics and certification for quantum cryptography devices
3. Standards for quantum cryptography devices and systems
4. Deployment and integration of quantum-resistant crypto algorithms
5. Testing, metrics and certification for quantum-resistant crypto algorithms
6. Standards for quantum-resistant public-key crypto algorithms
7. Practical methods for achieving quick failover from one set of crypto algorithms to another
8. High priority use cases for quantum-safe cryptography
If you are interested in submitting a presentation on one of these topics then please send your abstract by 31st May 2013 to using the presentation submission template available on the website (or download the attached) and making reference to one or more of the above listed topics.
The selection of presentations will be made by the program committee after this deadline and speakers should be confirmed by the end of June.
'''Program Committee'''
Charles Brookson, Chairman of ETSI OCG SEC, Zeata Security
Johannes Buchmann, Prof. of Informatics and Mathematics at TU Darmstadt, Deputy Director of CASED
Matthew Campagna, Director of Certicom Reseach, BlackBerry
Donna Dodson, Deputy Chief Cybersecurity Advisor & Division Chief for Computer Security Division at NIST
Gaby Lenhart, Senior Research Officer at ETSI
Michele Mosca, Director, CryptoWorks21 and Deputy Director, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Mark Pecen, Senior Vice President R&D at Blackberry
Bart Preneel, Professor, COSIC, KU Leuven, Belgium
Carmine Rizzo, Security Expert at ETSI
Masahide Sasaki, Director Quantum ICT Laboratory at NICT
Andrew Shields, Chairman of ETSI QKD, Toshiba
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