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The foundations of quantum theory are today a particularly vivid research field, not last because of the influential and pioneering role it plays for other fields such as quantum information science. The aim of this spring school is to give students and young researchers access to methods and topics important for future research in quantum foundations. This covers the experimental basis of quantum mechanics, the mathematical foundations of quantum theory, quantum correlations, decoherence, quantum measurements, as well as time and gravity.
The school is open for Master students, PhD students, and other researchers which are new to the field of quantum foundations. The number of participants is limited, please see below for the application procedure. Participants will have the opportunity to present their current research in a poster session and selected participants will be invited to give a talk.
Markus Aspelmeyer (Vienna)
Adán Cabello (Sevilla)
Stefan Nimmrichter (Siegen)
Mario Ziman (Bratislava)
Magdalena Zych (Queensland)
Details can be found on the web site.