Summerschool Nanotechnology meets Quantum Information




Tuesday, August 30, 2022 to Friday, September 2, 2022

Registration deadline: 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Submission deadline: 

Friday, August 12, 2022

The summer school "Nanotechnology meets Quantum Information" (NanoQI'22) provides an introduction to the basics and recent advances in several main areas of quantum information theory and solid-state-based quantum technologies. Both the physics of different implementations of quantum information and technologies and the relevant theoretical methods are covered.

The confirmed lecturers and speakers are:

Markus Aspelmeyer (University of Vienna)
Carlo Beenakker (Leiden University)
Juan José García Ripoll (IFF CSIC Madrid)
Andreas Heinrich (Ewha Womans University Seoul)
Jason Petta (Princeton University)
Peter Rabl (Technical University Vienna)
Pascale Senellart (University Paris-Saclay)
Jelena Vuckovic (Stanford University)

The school follows the format of the prior schools of the same name (NanoQI'16 - '19) and is aimed at PhD students working in quantum information processing or quantum technologies and at young postdocs entering the field. It offers lectures by 7 leading researchers both from experiment and from theory that provide an overview of the main concepts and methods and explain major current research directions. The lectures are complemented with a poster session. The school offers ample room for discussions and a forum for all participants to present and discuss their own research with their colleagues and senior researchers.

Application deadline is May 6; acceptance will be communicated until May 9.

The school fee of 280EUR covers coffee breaks, lunches and school dinner. Accommodation is not included in the registration fee, but affordable rooms (mostly shared rooms) are reserved and available upon acceptance (until June 15th). For further information about topics, speakers, and venue and on how to apply, please see: