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Ultracold atoms have in the past two decades become one of the most active and exciting research areas in physics. Cold atomic systems are low energy, pure and highly configurable and therefore allow to create setups in which new and advanced quantum mechanical effects can be studied and engineered. In fact, cold atomic systems are not only at the forefront for discovering fundamental new physics, they are also at the frontier in the development of advanced quantum technologies, such as quantum simulators or quantum metrology devices. The awarding of the Nobel Prizes in 2012, 2001 and 1997 to work in this area can be seen as a recognition of its groundbreaking potential.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts representing leading theoretical and experimental groups working in the area of ultracold atoms. In particular it will focus on the connection between the Japanese and the international community and provide platform for exchange and the creation of sustainable connections.
To facilitate this in the current time dominated by restrictions due to the pandemic, the meeting will have a hybrid format, where a fixed number of on-site participants from Japan will be joined by international speakers and participants via zoom. All remote and local presentations, invited and contributed, will be streamed via zoom.
At the conference site we will follow all regulations of the new-normal that are imposed and recommended at the time by the Okinawa Prefecture and by OIST. All on-site participants must be fully vaccinated and be willing to undergo a PCR/antigen test on day one (provided). The number of on-site participants is strictly regulated.