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Shared entanglement is widely acknowledged as the key enabler to future quantum information processing tasks. Yet, from a technological perspective, it has remained largely unclear how exactly one should approach the transfer from ideas and laboratory experiments to actual technology. In particular this is true for the domain of quantum communication.
To find answers to multidisciplinary questions connecting theory, experiment and network design, this interdisciplinary workshop focusses on entanglement as a resource assisting classical communication systems. We welcome participants from academic institutions, research labs and industry. Selected approaches to entanglement-assisted communication will be presented, along with established communication models in classical networking.
The goal of this workshop is to search for more realistic, yet attractive uses of entanglement in communication networks, which work in a bottom-up fashion. The use of entangled states should be enforced but at the same time kept at the bare minimum, while delivering a clear technological advantage under basic network metrics. Among the widely accepted network performance metrics are data rates and latency, both of which have been used as benchmarks in industrial research in the past [5G].
This workshop is organized together with the ICSSUR 2023, which takes place the week after from June 26 to June 30.
All further information can be found via