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The third meeting of the COST Action MP1209 “Thermodynamics at the quantum scale” will be held in Belfast, organised by the Quantum Technology group at Queen’s University Belfast. The meeting will address the blossoming field of quantum thermodynamics, focusing on the themes addressed by the three working groups of the Action:
WG1: Equilibration, thermalisation & emergence of canonical states
WG2: Thermodynamic and information theoretic relations for general quantum systems
WG3: Implementations, from classical to quantum thermodynamic experiments
The list of invited speakers includes
Antonio Acin, ICFO Barcelona (Spain)
Lidia del Rio, ETH Zuerich (Switzerland)
Mikko Mottonen, Aalto University (Finland)
Ahsan Nazir, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Universitaet Mainz (Germany)
Poster and oral contributions to the scientific programme of the workshop are welcome and can be submitted through the event's website.
Financial support for a limited number of members of COST MP1209 is available.
For queries, please contact the local organising committee at
- 730 reads