International Conference on “Quantum metrology and physics beyond the Standard Model”

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, March 31, 2019

We would like to announce the International Conference on “Quantum metrology and physics beyond the Standard Model” 11th-14th, 2019 in Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover (Germany). The goal of the conference is to bring together experts from quantum metrology, precision measurements and tests of fundamental physics to identify areas of mutual interest and inspiration. The topics of the conference include:

  • Selected low-energy tests of physics beyond the Standard Model
  • Quantum metrology with atoms and applications
  • Precision spectroscopy and optical clocks
  • Atom interferometry and inertial sensing

We will have 20 invited contributions from distinguished researchers (see below) and expect up to 80 additional participants from all over the world presenting posters. Up to 5 contributed talks will be selected from registered participants. We specifically invite PhD students and Postdocs to apply for a dedicated "young scientist talk". The Scientific committee will choose an additional 5 applicants to deliver an invited talk, including full coverage of travel and accommodation.

Laboratory visits at Leibniz University Hannover and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig will be organized in the afternoon of June 11th.

The conference is generously funded by the VW Foundation and without registration fee.Registration deadline is March 31st. Accepted applicants will be informed by April 8th.

More information can be found here:

With best regards,

The scientific organizers

Carsten Klempt, Klemens Hammerer, Tanja Mehlstäubler and Piet Schmidt

List of invited speakers

Murray Barrett
Marie Bonneau
Philippe Bouyer
Dmitry Budker
Victor Flambaum
Ivette Fuentes
Klaus Jungmann
Mark Kasevich*
David Leibrand
Morgan Mitchell
Holger Müller
Wolfgang Schleich
Monika Schleier-Smith
James Thompson
Philipp Treutlein
Wim Ubachs
Stefan Ulmer
Emilia Witkowska
Tanya Zelevinskiy
Magdalena Zych

* to be confirmed