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Quantum information theory has grown so diverse that it is now impossible to include all its strands in a single event. For this reason, this event will consist of 2 more specialized workshops with a broad conference in between. We encourage participants to stay for both a workshop and the conference.
On the first week (30.07.18- 03.08.18) we will have the "Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Workshop" with the preliminary list of keynote speakers:
Antonio Acin, ICFO Barcelona, Spain
Caslav Brukner, IQOQI Vienna, Austria
Francesco Buscemi, Nagoya University, Japan
Marcos Huber, IQOQI Vienna, Austria
On the last week (13.8.18- 17.08.18) the "Convex Optimization and Quantum Information Workshop" will take place with the keynote speakers:
Boaz Barak, Computer Science, Harvard University, USA
Cecilia Lancien, Mathematics and Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Jean B. Lasserre,LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse France, TMBI (Univ. Toulouse)
Omar Fawzi, Computer Science, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Miguel Navascues, Physics, IQOQI Vienna, Austria
The conference "Modern Topics in Quantum Information" will bridge (06.08.18- 10.08.18) both workshops with the following keynote speakers:
Aram Harrow, MIT, USA
Fabio Sciarrino, Sapienza University, Italy
Fernando Brandão, Caltech, USA
Jens Eisert, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Laura Mancinska, Copenhagen, Denmark
Luiz Davidovich, UFRJ, Brazil.
Organizers: Antonio Acin (ICFO), Aram Harrow (MIT), Fernando Brandão (Caltech), Rafael Chaves (IIP-UFRN), Luiz Davidovich (UFRJ), David Gross (University of Cologne).