Organising group(s):
Web page:
Registration deadline:
Submission deadline:
We are organizing a focused workshop orbiting around the topic of the quantum-to-classical transition, to take place at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, on June 18-19, 2018. The workshop is related to the FQXi Program “Physics of the Observer”. We are accepting applications to take part in the workshop, with deadline 30 April 2018.
Invited speakers include
Angelo Bassi University of Trieste
Robin Blume-Kohout Sandia National Labs
Ivette Fuentes University of Nottingham
Pawel Horodecki Gdansk University of Technology Rainer Kaltenbaek University of Vienna Florian Mintert Imperial College London Alexandra Olaya-Castro University College London Mauro Paternostro Queen’s University Belfast Matteo Rossi University of Turku
There is no registration fee, but please notice that only coffee breaks are provided.
If you would like to take part in the workshop, please fill in your details in the application form available at
by 30 April 2018.
There is the possibility to contribute with a poster, which might be promoted to contributed talk (see details in the application page).
We reserve the right to process applications as they come in, so consider applying as soon as possible to have better chances of attending the workshop. We aim to confirm the result of your application at the latest shortly after the above deadline.
The organizers,
Gerardo Adesso
Paul Knott
Marco Piani
Tommaso Tufarelli