Two Postdoc and two PhD positions are now available in our group, focus areas are quantum algorithms and complexity theory, broadly speaking.

Details here: Openings

Deadline: Feb 11, 2022 (feel free to inquire after this date in case a position remains open)

Questions? sevag.gharibian 'at' upb 'dot' de

Sevag Gharibian
Associate Professor
Dept of Computer Science
Paderborn University

We are seeking a highly-talented, motivated and ambitious theoretical physicist to work at the interplay of quantum control, quantum annealing, and quantum computing. The position is renewable on a yearly basis (for a maximum of 3 years) and can start as soon as possible.

Quantum computers and simulators have the potential to solve a wide range of problems more efficiently than classical computers. Cold atoms present a leading platform in this context, unmatched in size and scalability. In your thesis work, you will realize a new architecture for a quantum processor, which uniquely combines single-atom resolved manipulation through microscopy with the interaction control arising from light-matter coupling.

We are seeking motivated students with excellent problem-solving skills and a passion for quantum engineering and physics. You will be part of a well funded initiative to create quantum networks of superconducting circuits mediated by telecom photons.

The Computer Science (CS) Department and the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Stony Brook University invite applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty position in Quantum Information Science and Engineering with an expected start date of Fall 2022. Although the position is expected to be filled at the Associate Professor rank, exceptionally qualified candidates at any rank in all areas of Quantum Information Science and Engineering, including quantum algorithms, communication, complexity, and devices, are invited to apply.

Integrated quantum photonics based on single photon emitters in 2D materials

We propose a PhD position funded by the French national science foundation (ANR), with a possibility of doing a Master thesis of 4 to 6 months beforehand. The position leads to a doctoral degree of University Paris-Saclay (which is ranked world number 13 in Shanghai ranking).

We support promising scientists to carry out research in all areas of theoretical or experimental atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) Physics in the form of Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Discipline: atomic physics, molecular physics, optical physics, quantum information, experimental physics, theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry


Wednesday, February 2, 2022 to Monday, February 21, 2022

Registration deadline: 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Europe-funded NEASQC project is investigating a wide selection of NISQ-compatible real-world use-cases, related to chemistry, machine learning and optimisation, and symbolic AI and graph algorithmics. Our academic and industrial partners team together to develop new quantum software techniques to solve those use-cases with a practical quantum advantage. To select the best approaches, we engage regularly with other Quantum Computing enthusiasts.

School of Applied Mathematics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, invites applications for a postdoc position in Mathematical methods for quantum information and quantum control technologies, see the description and requirements at

QTech: Projects #1 organized by QTurkey

QTurkey is excited to announce the launch of our new event, QTech: Projects! During this series, we will be listening to several research projects by graduate students working in the field of quantum technology.

Our first guest will be Lea Gassab from QuEst Group at Koç University! In this talk, she will present one of the current projects of their research group, where they study squeezed and entangled light. Her talk will conclude with plausible applications such as quantum pupillometry and biometrics in emerging technology.


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