Bull, the European leader in HPC, located in Paris, France, is launching a R&D program in quantum computing. Our long term objective is to build tomorrow's quantum supercomputers & softwares for the HPC and big data worlds.
We are looking for experts in quantum algorithms, quantum programming, quantum simulation.
For more information and application, please send an email to: Dr Cyril ALLOUCHE, head of innovation, cyril.allouche at bull.net

The Quantum Computing Lab in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Commonwealth University is seeking a motivated PhD student in the area of quantum computation and information. Our lab currently focuses primarily on Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity, though areas such as quantum algorithms and quantum cryptography are also of interest. More information can be found at:


We are currently offering two PhD positions to highly motivated and well-qualified students who intend to enhance their career on the intersection of quantum many-body theory and quantum information science. The successful candidates will work as part of the research group led by Jens Eisert at the FU Berlin, in collaboration with that of Emil Bergholtz at the FU Berlin and in Stockholm. For an overview of the research activities of the groups, see

Center for Quantum Devices is offering a PhD scholarship commencing July 1. or as soon as possible thereafter.

The last year has seen tremendous advances in fabricating spin qubit devices from group IV semiconductors. This PhD project will investigate spin qubits realized in natural and isotopically purified silicon-germanium heterostructures. The objective is to create ultra-coherent qubit devices that can be controlled, coupled, and read out in a scalable geometry.

Center for Quantum Devices is offering a PhD scholarship commencing 1 July or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Center for Quantum Devices and Station Q Copenhagen is looking to hire one or more PhD students to work on realizing superconducting multi-qubit devices to function as a small quantum computer. The realization will be based on gatemon technology controlled by FPGA-based waveform generators. Projects ranging from nanofabrication, device testing, to building classical control electronics are available.

We are currently offering a 2 1/2-year postdoctoral position to a highly motivated and well-qualified young researcher who intends to enhance his or her career on the intersection of quantum many-body theory and quantum information science. The successful candidate will work as part of the research group led by Jens Eisert at the FU Berlin. For an overview of research activities of the group, see this link. To get an impression of research careers of past group members, see

European COST Action to develop “A quantum theory of complex and networked systems”

Open webnair 4:00 p.m. GMT – Thursday, June 2

(This is a re-posting as the deadline is nearing)
This position is associated with a project entitled "Quantum Machine Learning", and includes the following possible research topics:

(This is a re-posting as the deadline is near ....)
This position is associated with a project entitled "Quantum Machine Learning", and includes the following possible research topics:


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