We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc to join our Emmy-Noether research group in Theoretical Quantum Physics, starting off on 1.August at the LMU Munich. The candidates are expected to have strong analytic skills, ideally with a background in fermionic quantum systems and reduced density matrices. Mathematical Physicists are encouraged to apply as well. Our projects are concerning the interface of Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Many-Body Physics.
Submitted by
chsimon on Tue, 28/05/2019 - 21:16.
Two postdoc positions in the area of quantum network implementations are available in Christoph Simon’s theoretical quantum optics group at the University of Calgary (see http://www.iqst.ca/people/peoplepage.php?id=225). Topics of particular relevance for the two positions include quantum memories for light, quantum repeaters, and microwave-to-optical quantum transduction.
The Quantum Information Group at the Institute of Theoretical Physics invites applications for positions for two Research Assistants (m/f/d) (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 75% - 100%) to be appointed as soon as possible. The positions are initially limited to one year with the possibility of extension. These positions are part of different research projects and therefore open for post-doctoral researchers and/or PhD students.
Responsibilities and duties
Submitted by
cbonato on Tue, 21/05/2019 - 21:51.
We offer a 2-years post-doctoral position for a motivated researcher to join our work on spin qubits in silicon carbide (SiC). Colour centres in SiC have recently be shown to uniquely combine excellent spin properties with ultrastable optical transitions for spin-photon interfacing (see, for example, our collaborative work publish in Nature Communications 10, 1954). Our goal is to push the limits in controlling individual electron and nuclear spins in silicon carbide, to demonstrate quantum devices in a technologically-mature semiconductor platform.
The project is to carry out research in broad theoretical areas of classical and/or quantum non-equilibrium physics, including condensed matter, statistical mechanics, atomic physics, and machine learning.
One area of interest will be exploring the connections between methods and ideas of classical and quantum non-equilibrium systems with approaches and techniques in deep learning and neural networks.