Submitted by
Saffman on Sat, 20/10/2018 - 04:33.
Experimental postdoc position working on neutral atom quantum computing at University of Wisconsin-Madison available immediately. Contact Mark Saffman for more information.
Submitted by
spironio on Thu, 18/10/2018 - 10:24.
Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position at the Laboratoire d’Information Quantique at Université libre de Bruxelles. The start date is flexible.
Submitted by
fvallese on Thu, 18/10/2018 - 01:50.
We seek a Postdoctoral Associate in Physics to lead a new startup project in the NYU’s Center for Quantum Phenomenon. The individual will lead the technology development and commercialization for a new quantum memory device originally developed in a Navy Research Lab. The goal of the project is to design a commercial version of the memory device that can store the states in a quantum computing circuit during the computation process.
Submitted by
gweihs on Wed, 17/10/2018 - 09:39.
To lead the Innsbruck team in the UNIQORN consortium, the Photonics group of the Department for Experimental Physics at the University of Innsbruck is inviting applications for a post-doc position. Candidates should have a background in integrated, nonlinear, or quantum optics. Ideally, candidates have knowledge and experience in the following fields of expertise: electromagnetic simulation methods, waveguide optics, quantum optical measurement techniques, and semiconductor nanofabrication.
Submitted by
sinitsyn on Tue, 16/10/2018 - 23:59.
A theoretical physics postdoc position (2+1 year duration) is available in the group of Dr. Nikolai Sinitsyn, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. Research topics include: time crystals, Floquet Bloch bands, modeling quantum phase transitions in emerging quantum computers and related systems such as arrays of NV centers, spin noise spectroscopy, integrable time-dependent quantum Hamiltonians. Candidates with interest in this position should send CV and at least one reference letter to: