
Experimental postdoc position working on neutral atom quantum computing at University of Wisconsin-Madison available immediately. Contact Mark Saffman for more information.

Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position at the Laboratoire d’Information Quantique at Université libre de Bruxelles. The start date is flexible.

We seek a Postdoctoral Associate in Physics to lead a new startup project in the NYU’s Center for Quantum Phenomenon. The individual will lead the technology development and commercialization for a new quantum memory device originally developed in a Navy Research Lab. The goal of the project is to design a commercial version of the memory device that can store the states in a quantum computing circuit during the computation process.

To lead the Innsbruck team in the UNIQORN consortium, the Photonics group of the Department for Experimental Physics at the University of Innsbruck is inviting applications for a post-doc position. Candidates should have a background in integrated, nonlinear, or quantum optics. Ideally, candidates have knowledge and experience in the following fields of expertise: electromagnetic simulation methods, waveguide optics, quantum optical measurement techniques, and semiconductor nanofabrication.

A theoretical physics postdoc position (2+1 year duration) is available in the group of Dr. Nikolai Sinitsyn, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. Research topics include: time crystals, Floquet Bloch bands, modeling quantum phase transitions in emerging quantum computers and related systems such as arrays of NV centers, spin noise spectroscopy, integrable time-dependent quantum Hamiltonians. Candidates with interest in this position should send CV and at least one reference letter to:


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