The 2011 QIPC Young Investigator Award will be presented to an outstanding young researcher in the field of Quantum Information Processing and Communication during the QIPC international conference at ETH Zürich, September 5-9, 2011.
The award consists of a diploma and a lump sum of 4000€.
The award will be given to a researcher under the age of 35 for the best research recently published or presented at a major conference. Eligible researchers must be less than 35 years old on the 1st of September 2011.
Nominations, including self-nominations, should be submitted electronically not later than *Sunday, May 15th, 2011* to the QUIE²Te-mail address: The nominations should include a short CV of the candidate, a letter containing a one page summary of the candidate's achievements, a list of key publications, and at least two letters of endorsement. The letter should be prepared in pdf-format. Candidates are encouraged to also submit an oral presentation at the QIPC conference at ETH Zürich, September 5-9, 2011.
The received nominations will first be screened by the QUIE2T management, and then forwarded to the Advisory Board of Experts to obtain an official recommendation. This recommendation has to be approved by the QUIE2T Steering Committee by a simple majority vote. In case no majority can be reached, the vote by the Project Coordinator will be decisive. There is no appeal on decisions.