A QUantum Integrated Light and Matter Interface - Experimental Postdoc Position

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Job type: 

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in experimental cold atom physics and quantum optics at MUARC at the University of Nottingham, Notttingham, UK. The proposed research is embedded in the European project “QuILMI: A Quantum Integrated Light and Matter Interface”, which aims at building and characterising an interface with cold atoms and photons out of integrated waveguide structures. Quilmi includes four European partners and is coordinated by the University of Nottingham.

The successful applicant is supposed to assume an important role within the consortium and to contribute strongly to the research activities of the ultracold mixtures group at the University of Nottingham. The project focusses on the construction and characterisation of a quantum light and matter interface with cold atoms trapped below a micro-chip surface with integrated waveguide structures. This device will allow photon storage and might in the future be an important element of a quantum computer.

The project includes partners from Vienna (photons experiment), Dresden (theory), Jena (chip creation) and Nottingham (theory
and experiment). Within the QuILMI project we aim to couple photons from the microchip to the atomic sample and vice versa. The candidate will work in an international team and expand the existing experimental system. More details on the project can be found on www.quilmi.eu and www.nottingham.ac.uk/physics/research/coldatomsgroup/homepage.aspx.

The highly-motivated candidate should have a track record in experimental atomic physics or quantum optics. All inquiries should be sent to L. Hackermuller (lucia.hackermuller@nottingham.ac.uk), applications have to be uploaded at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI238214. Applications should include a detailed CV, a brief statement of research interests and three names of potential referees.