Postdoctoral researcher in finite Spin-Boson systems

Application deadline: 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Research group: 

Job type: 


We are offering one appointment for a junior postdoctoral scholar in finite spin-boson systems at INAOE Monterrey. The scholar will join our group efforts to explore the quantum Rabi model and afine finite extensions like the cross-cavity quantum Rabi model.

The ideal candidate will have a recently obtained (<= 5 years) Ph.D. in physics or engineering with research experience on quantum optics or AMO physics. Practical knowledge of the quantum Rabi model, the asymmetric two-qubits Dicke model, and the cross-cavity quantum Rabi model is desired.

Level: Entry.
Duration: One year with one year reappoinment.
Funding: CONACYT Ciencia Básica grant.
Grant: Standard CONACYT postdoctoral grant (~22,000 mxn per month competitive in Mexico).
Location: Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PIIT) in Apodaca, Nuevo León, México.

Contact information: bmlara(at) (please use the subject: Inquiry CB-Grant Postdoctoral Position)

Deadline for reception of documents: March 31st, 2017.