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'''Poster Presentation Deadline''' Feb. 28th, 2011.
'''Conference Fee''' Free
What is probability and stochastic process in quantum mechanics? To study the foundations of the stochastic process in quantum mechanics, the discrete time quantum walk (DTQW), which is a quantum analogue of the random walk, may be useful. This has recently been the hot research field, especially in quantum information science, and been experimentally realized. This workshop will bring the theoretical researchers in the DTQW. While this workshop is focused on the theoretical side, we also welcome experimentalists. We take the advantages of special opportunities to invite founders of DTQW. The organizers strongly encourage young researchers to actively join us to this workshop.
# Mathematical Foundations of Discrete Time Quantum Walk
## Stochastic Process in Quantum Probability Theory
## Weak Limit Theorem
## Classification between Localization and Delocalization
# Physical Foundations of Discrete Time Quantum Walk
## Mapped to Schroedinger equation and Dirac equation
## Non-local effect, entanglement, and super-oscillation
## Application to Quantum Information Science
'''Invited Speakers'''
* Yakir Aharonov (Tel-Aviv University, Israel / Chapman University, USA)
* Stanley Gudder (University of Denver, USA) (to be confirmed)
* Luis Velazquez (Zaragoza University, Spain) (to be confirmed)
* Takuya Kitagawa (Harvard University, USA) (to be confirmed)
* Norio Konno (Yokohama National University)
* Etsuo Segawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
* Yutaka Shikano (Tokyo Institute of Technology / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chair)
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