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Public lecture by Prof. Christopher Monroe (Joint Quantum Institute and University of Maryland)
Abstract: Quantum information science in the 21st century links two pillars of 20th century thought: information theory and quantum mechanics. This new field exploits the bizarre features of quantum mechanics -- uncertainty, entanglement, and measurement -- to perform tasks that are impossible using conventional means. We anticipate that exotic quantum hardware such as individual trapped atoms, quantum dots in solids, and superconducting loops of wire will not only find there way into 21st century technology, but they will also bring quantum weirdness to the forefront and stimulate new ways of thinking about foundational aspects of the physical world.
The public lecture is followed by a panel discussion on the topic: „Was kostet der Fortschritt?" (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt; Dr. Ronald Holzwarth; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmiedmayer; Univ.-Prof. DDr. h.c. Anton Zeilinger).
Please register for this event by sending an email to the following address:
The event starts at 17:30.
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