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Recent years are witnessing a renewed interest in thermodynamic applications at the nanoscale. Technological advances are leading to unprecedented levels of miniaturisation in the fabrication of microscopic engines capable of producing work. Recent experiments have produced engines built with only a few degrees of freedom, as for example a single electron transistor and the recently developed single ion engine. At the nanoscale, thermal fluctuations are quite strong and cannot be ignored any longer. Moreover, it is also expected that at these scales and for low temperatures quantum effects play a role in the fluctuations of fundamental thermodynamic quantities, such as energy, entropy, work and heat.
Quantum thermodynamics aims at understanding thermodynamic phenomena at the quantum scale. Novel relevant questions arise, such as: how do the laws of thermodynamics emerge in the this regime? What is the role of quantum coherences and correlations, for example entanglement, in the efficiency of a thermodynamic transformation? What is the maximum amount of work extractable from a reservoir? Quantum thermodynamics is also relevant for quantum information processing, as thermodynamic considerations play a fundamental role in the design of quantum information technologies, and to many-body physics, as concepts and tools from this field are needed for the design of many-particle quantum engines.
PLEASE NOTE: During the conference there will be an opportunity to present a poster. If you are interested in presenting a poster please visit the conference website and submit your title and abstract. We will select some contributed talks and organize a poster session. If you wish to contribute with a talk or a poster please submit your abstract (pdf format, max 250 words) and title on the abstract submission form.
Important deadlines:
Abstract submission for contributed talks: April 10, 2018
Notification of selected contributed talks: May 1, 2018
Registration deadline: May 25, 2018
**Abstracts for posters will be accepted until the registration deadline**
Preliminary list of speakers (more to come!)
Alexia Auffeves - Institut Néel-CNRS Grenoble
Mari Carmen Bañuls - Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Garching)
Fernando Brandao - Caltech
Michele Campisi - Italian Institute of Technology
Adolfo del Campo - University of Massachusetts
Tobias Donner - ETH Zürich
Susana Huelga - University of Ulm
Ivan Khaymovich - Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden)
Nikolaj Kiesel - University of Vienna
Benjamin Lev - Stanford
Dzmitry Matsukevich - Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
Juan Pablo Paz - University of Buenos Aires
Anna Sanpera - ICREA & Autonomous University of Barcelona
Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler - University of Mainz
Jörg Schmiedmayer - Technical University of Vienna
Ulrich Schneider - University of Cambridge
Roberto Serra - Federal University of ABC
Irfan Siddiqi - University of California, Berkeley
Masahito Ueda - RIKEN & University of Tokio
Roberta Zambrini - IFISC-UIB Mallorca