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Dear colleagues,
The Workshop Quantum Cagliari 2018: Quantum Structures and Quantum Information, will take place during October 8-10, 2018, at University of Cagliari, in Sardinia, Italy.
We look forward to seeing you in the Conference, and we invite you to present a talk or poster based on your research work. In order to participate, please send your proposal for Title + Abstract for evaluation (no more than 500 words) using the online registration system:
The deadline for submissions has been extended until July 12th. There is no conference fee.
The list of confirmed speakers and further information about the Conference will be updated in the website:
The event will be accompanied by a Special Issue that will be published in Soft Computing (Springer). We will announce more details in the following link:
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee of QuCag2018
Gustavo Martin Bosyk (IFLP/CONICET) - Email:
Federico Holik (IFLP/CONICET) - Email:
Giuseppe Sergioli (Università di Cagliari) - Email:
Scientific Committee: R. Giuntini; H. Freytes; M. Portesi