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Applications to the interntional workshop Many-Body Quantum Dynamics in Closed Systems: challenges and applications, to be held in Barcelona, are open. The workshop aims at bringing together leading experts on the subject with young and motivated researchers in a scientifically stimulating atmosphere.
Non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems have gained in the last years increasing interest, mainly because of the impressive experimental advances in the coherent control of mesoscopic systems. The degree of control reached so far allows the creation of well isolated systems with highly tunable Hamiltonians and timescales of evolution accessible with current experiments. A fundamental question then arises whether a many-body quantum system thermalizes to a stationary state for long times. Do the local properties of such a system resemble those of a thermal state? Moreover, quenched dynamics represent a powerful diagnostic tool for probing the excitations spectrum, transport properties and propagation of information. All these issues have practical applications in the time control of many-body dynamics e.g. in loading BEC in an optical lattice, in which emergence of topological defects might be expected.
The workshop will consist of few tutorial, covering the most important aspects of quantum many-body dynamics, plus invited talks on recent and relevant developments on the subject. Young researchers are encouraged to present their own results, among them few selected contributions will be promoted to an oral presentation.
Anatoli Polkovnikov (Boston University)
Ulrich Schollwoeck (LMU Munich)
Joerg Schmiedmayer (TU Wien)
Dan Stamper-Kurn (University of California Berkeley)
Preliminary list of speakers:
Claudia De Grandi (Boston University)
Mariusz Gajda (Instytut Fizyki PAN)
Nathan Gemelke (Penn State University)
David Huse (Princeton)
Bruno JuliĆ” (Universitat de Barcelona)
Corinna Kollath (CNRS)
Marcos Rigol (Georgetown University)
Davide Rossini (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Stefan Trotzky (LMU Munich)
David S. Weiss (Penn State University)
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