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DCM 2011 is the seventh in a series of international workshops focusing on new computational models. It aims to bring together researchers who are currently developing new computational models or new features of a traditional one. The goal of DCM is to foster interaction, to provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and to enable newcomers to learn about current activities in this area. DCM 2011 will be a one-day satellite event of ICALP 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Topics of interest include all abstract models of computation and their properties, and their applications to the development of programming languages and systems:
* quantum computation, including implementations and formal methods in quantum protocols;
* probabilistic computation and verification in modeling situations
* chemical, biological and bio-inspired computation, including spatial models, self-assembly, growth models
* general concurrent models including the treatment of mobility, trust, and security
* comparisons of different models of computations
* information-theoretic ideas in computing.
Programme Committee:
* Erika Andersson, Heriot-Watt University, UK
* Nachum Dershowitz, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Eleni Diamanti, CNRS & Telecom ParisTech, France
* Lucas Dixon, Google, USA
* Elham Kashefi, University of Edinburgh, UK (Co-chair)
* Delia Kesner, CNRS & Universite Paris Diderot, France
* Helene Kirchner, INRIA, France
* Heinz Koeppl, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Jean Krivine, CNRS & Universite Paris Diderot, France (Co-chair)
* Michael Mislove, Tulane University, USA
* Mio Murao, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Vincent van Oostrom, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
* Femke van Raamsdonk, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Co-chair)
* Paul Ruet, CNRS & Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, France
* Aaron Stump, University of Iowa, USA
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