Postdoc position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at LMU Munich

Application deadline: 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Job type: 

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc to join our Emmy-Noether research group in Theoretical Quantum Physics, starting off on 1.August at the LMU Munich. The candidates are expected to have strong analytic skills, ideally with a background in fermionic quantum systems and reduced density matrices. Mathematical Physicists are encouraged to apply as well. Our projects are concerning the interface of Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Many-Body Physics. We resort to analytic approaches partly complemented/guided by computational studies to gain universal insights into interacting quantum many-body systems. A particular emphasis lies on the concept of reduced density matrices and the ground state problem.
For more details see “PhD/Postdoc opportunities” on our (previous) website at

required documents:
- CV including a list of publications
- contact details of two referees
- a brief outline of research plans
- (link to) PhD thesis

inquiries and applications to (please state "postdoc" in the subject):
Review of applications will begin on 15 July, and continue until the position is filled;
starting date: 1 August or later in 2019