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Dear Colleagues,
We are organising the workshop QTDNEQ20 on Quantum Thermodynamics of Non-equilibrium Systems to be held on October 13-16th 2020. The workshop will be online, with talks in the mornings 09:30-13:00. Registration is free of charge. The abstract deadline to contribute to the conference is Sept. 30th. Please register and send your contribution here:
The workshop will focus on new developments in our understanding of quantum thermodynamics in non-equilbrium systems, with emphasis on the mesoscopic scale. These topics will be explored by our invited speakers Sahar Alipour (Helsinki Aalto), Janet Anders (U Exeter), Alexia Auffèves (CNRS Grenoble), Irene D'Amico (York U), Adolfo del Campo (UPV/EHU Bilbao), Geraldine Haack (U Geneva), Ronnie Kosloff (Hebrew University Jerusalem), Jorge Kurchan (LPS Paris), Rosa López (IFISC CSIC-UIB Mallorca), Eric Lutz (U Stuttgart), Jukka Pekola (Helsinki Aalto), Peter Samuelsson (Lund U), Jörg Schmiedmayer (Technical University Vienna), Janine Splettstößer (Chalmers University, Göteborg), and other contributed talks. There will be ample room for discussion in dedicated rooms and poster sessions, which we hope will foster new collaborations in this rapidly developing field of research.
The meeting is organised by the DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center) through a virtual Zoom meeting. More information about the speakers, program and participation options can be found on our webpage
Best regards,
The organising committee,
Tineke van den Berg
Aurelia Chenu
Geza Giedke
Dario Bercioux