Faculty Position in Quantum Information and Computation

Application deadline: 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Research group: 

Job type: 

A permanent position is open at Telecom Paris, for an Assistant or Associate Professor in the Theory of Quantum Information and Computation.

The successful candidate will contribute to the activities of the IQA group, at Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and to the Quantum@Paris-Saclay center .

We are looking for candidates who have a strong research record and a commitment to undergraduate and graduate education and training, and who have demonstrated their ability to carry out and develop a research activity combining computer science and quantum technologies.

Areas of expertise may include but are not limited to, quantum algorithms and complexity, quantum control, quantum communications and cryptography, and quantum information processing.

Please find the full job description and application instructions using the following link: https://institutminestelecom.recruitee.com/l/en/o/maitre-de-conferences-en-theorie-de-linformation-quantique-et-du-calcul-quantique-fh-a-telecom-paris-cdi

Contact: Romain Alléaume, romain.alleaume@telecom-paris.fr

Deadline for applications: August 27th, 2021