2 postdoc positions in Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Control

Application deadline: 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Research group: 

Job type: 


We are seeking 2 postdoctoral researchers with quantum experience to work on Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Control at Macquarie University, Sydney.

Job 1 is related to the newly funded project “Pushing the digital limits in quantum simulation for advanced manufacturing”, supervised by Dominic Berry and Daniel Burgarth. We are developing methods to maximise the performance of near- and mid-term quantum simulations using innovative quantum programming techniques related to digitisation and control.

Job 2 is part of the EQUS flagship “1kQubit” and supervised by Daniel Burgarth. We are developing methods to bridge control modelling, the design of new superconducting qubits, and quantum error correction.

To apply, please use the above links. To be considered for both positions, you will need to submit applications through both links. For questions, please contact Dominic (dmwberry@gmail.com) or Daniel (burgarth@gmail.com). We offer flexible work conditions. The positions are at Level A step 6 (PhD) from AU$95,706 to AU$102,570, plus 17% employer’s Superannuation and annual leave loading, and up to 30 months.

Macquarie University is located on a beautiful campus in northern Sydney. At the Centre for Quantum Engineering we are performing some of the world's leading research on quantum algorithms and control for practical applications, in collaboration with Google, IBM, Lockheed Martin, and other organisations. We are part of the Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (www.equs.org) as well as the Sydney Quantum Academy (www.sydneyquantum.org) , an alliance of the four universities in the Sydney area to develop quantum computing expertise and links with industry.

At Macquarie University, we are committed to providing a truly inclusive working environment where each individual is valued, respected and supported to progress.