Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Cybersecurity and Communication

Application deadline: 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Job type: 

One Postdoc position is available at the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT), Gdańsk, Poland.
Starting date: November 1st, 2021.
Remuneration: up to 10 600 PLN, depending on candidate's experience.
Period of employment: 22 months (full-time, with possibility to extend until August 31st, 2024)
Deadline: October 4, 2021.
For more information, please see:

The Quantum Cybersecurity and Communication Group, led by Prof. Marcin Pawłowski, is a team of young and highly-motivated researchers working on a wide range of topics including:
- development of self-testing protocols,
- security analysis of information processing protocols,
- research towards increasing efficiency and reliability of quantum protocols.
- studies of general rules for information processing,
- studies on quantum hacking and cryptanalysis to identify possible attacks and ways of preventing them,
- investigations of the role of information processing protocols as a tool to analyze the fundamental laws of Nature,
- finding experimental, applied physics, and industrial partners and collaborating with them towards building commercial quantum devices, prototypes, or obtaining patents.

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Marcin Pawłowski at marcin.pawlowski[at]