Simulations of photonic structures for atomic single-photon harvesting for quantum technologies

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Job type: 


I am glad to announce a Postdoc position (extendable) at the Physics Department of the University of Florence. The position is funded by the PRIN project STARTrAP “Scalable Telecom quAntum emitteRs with TRAnsPortable single-atom traps on a fiber-tip”, in collaboration with Dr. Maja Colautti (CNR-INO, National Institute of Optics) and Prof. Francesco Scazza (University of Trieste, Department of Physics).

Deadline: 26th March 2024

Summary: The STARTrAP project will develop the building blocks for a single photon source based on trapped atoms. The source will be portable and scalable with emission in the telecommunications band, all based on an integrated fiber device and fully compatible with quantum telecommunications networks. We will address the technological challenge of realizing a scalable interface between cold single-atom systems and telecommunications single photons through the fabrication of a 3D printed optical tweezer on the facet of a commercial optical fiber.



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