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The White Rose Quantum Information Science and Technologies (WR-QIST) workshop is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers whose work or interests lie in the broad area of quantum information science and technology. Workshop activities will cover a range of quantum technologies, including quantum computing, quantum communications, and quantum sensing. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide a collaborative environment where participants can actively discuss important aspects of quantum technologies with each other and with leading experts in the field. It also aims to inform participants about current exciting research and developments happening in different areas of quantum technology, both in academia and in industry.
Registration is free for all participants. If you would like to attend the workshop, please fill in the registration form which can be found on our webpage. The registration deadline is Friday 28th June 2024. Abstracts for posters and talks can also be submitted via the abstract submission form. The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday 14th June 2024. Participants will be able to choose their favourite posters and contributed talks to be awarded with prizes at the end of the workshop.
Coffee breaks with refreshments and lunch will be provided on both days of the workshop. Travel and accommodation arrangements should be made by the participants. We have limited funding available for participants without the necessary travel budget. Please indicate whether you would like to apply for this support in the registration form.
For more information on the programme, venue, registration, organising committees and sponsors, see our webpage. Inquiries regarding the workshop may be directed to