The first Q+ Hangout of the year is on the 26th of January!
As usual, if you are watching with a group and want to reserve a seat in the hangout then leave a comment on the event page:
We also encourage individuals interested in active participation---which typically involves asking questions after the talk---to join the hangout. Otherwise you can watch on the livestream. Details follow.
Date: 5 pm UTC, 26th January, 2016.
Title: Toward physical realizations of information-theory models for small-scale thermodynamics
Speaker: Nicole Yunger Halpern (Caltech, Institute for Quantum Information and Matter)
Abstract: Small scales are increasingly controllable in experiments and technologies. Such settings involve statistical mechanical concepts, such as work, heat, and entropy. Heat dissipation threatens miniaturized transistors, and the work required to stretch single DNA molecules has been measured. Yet statistical mechanics describes large systems. Two mathematical toolkits developed in quantum information theory marry statistical mechanics with small scales. Thermodynamic resource theories and one-shot information theory have exploded in popularity recently. The time is ripe to realize their potential with real physical systems. I will explain why while introducing these toolkits. I will discuss which aspects of them need realizing and via what steps we can shift them toward experiments.
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