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The quantum nanophotonics and biosensing lab at U. of New Mexico (PI: Victor Acosta) and the atomic magnetometer/NMR/MRI labs at Los Alamos National Lab (PI: Igor Savukov) seek a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate for a joint UNM/LANL project. The successful candidate will work on a highly multidisciplinary project that combines new techniques in optical nuclear polarization using NV centers in diamond nanostructures with low-field and optically-detected NMR/MRI. The goal is to develop a microfluidic platform operating at room temperature and low magnetic field which can deliver biochemical analytes with a nuclear polarization exceeding that possible using large superconducting magnets and/or cryogenic temperatures.
While working on the project, the postdoc will:
★ Apply quantum mechanics, nanophotonics, and biochemistry to emerging new fields.
★ Learn semiconductor nanofabrication techniques in worldclass cleanrooms (CHTM, CINT).
★ Work with partners in academia, national labs (LANL, Sandia), and industry (ODMR Tech)
The position will initially be based in Albuquerque, NM at the UNM lab. There the work will be focused on developing the NV hyperpolarization apparatus. Then the postdoc will transition to conducting NMR/MRI experiments at LANL to characterize and optimize its performance.
A PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Optical/ Electrical/Chemical/Biomedical Engineering, or a related field is required. Experience in spin physics, biophysics tool development, and/or quantum optics is desired. Experience in magnetometry, semiconductor nanofabrication, and/or solid-state color centers is also helpful. Compensation is commensurate with experience and is expected to increase when work transitions to LANL. Candidates with very strong publication records will have an opportunity to apply to highly competitive LANL fellowship programs.
More information is available on our webpage. Interested candidates, please send the following application materials to Victor Acosta ( and Igor Savukov (
1. Cover letter describing research interests and career goals
2. CV with complete publication record
3. Arrange for one letter of recommendation (most likely from PhD supervisor) to be emailed directly to us.
4. An unofficial transcript from graduate institution (not mandatory but encouraged).
UNM and LANL are equal opportunity employers.