We are looking for candidates to fill a postdoctoral position in quantum optics, many body physics and related areas at Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, Mexico City. The position is open for one year, with option for a second year, starting in February 2009. Salaries are internationally competitives.
The research areas include
- quantum optics
- algebraic methods applied to the quantum many body problem
- quantum phase transitions
- nuclear and subnuclear structure
- low energy models for baryons and mesons
- double beta decay.
- symmetries in molecules.
- quantum chaos and random matrices
Applicants should have obtained their Ph.D degree in the previous three years and be 35 years old or younger, by February 1st, 2009.
Candidates must send a letter of interest, a research proposal, an abstract of her/his Ph.D. Thesis, a complete curriculum vitae including the full list of publications, and two recommendation letters, to
Dr. Jorge G. Hirsch
DEADLINE: September 19th, 2008, to start in February 2009.
Other posdoc positions would be available for starting in September 2009.
The members of the Department, with whom additional information can be obtained, are
Roelof Bijker (bijker@nucleares.unam.mx)
Octavio Castaños G. (ocasta@nucleares.unam.mx)
Alejandro Frank H. (frank@nucleares.unam.mx)
Peter O. Hess B. (hess@nucleares.unam.mx)
Jorge G. Hirsch G. (hirsch@nucleares.unam.mx)
Renato Lemus C. (renato@nucleares.unam.mx)
Ramón López Peña (lopez@nucleares.unam.mx)
Juan Carlos López V. (vieyra@nucleares.unam.mx)
Eduardo Nahmad (nahmad@nucleares.unam.mx)
Elizabeth Padilla R. (padilla@nucleares.unam.mx)
Alfred U'Ren (alfred.uren@nucleares.unam.mx)
Additional information can be found in the web page www.nucleares.unam.mx (in Spanish), and in
https://metropolis.nucleares.unam.mx/qog (in English).