A theoretical post-doctoral position is available for up to 30 months to investigate the "bad emitter regime" of cavity quantum electrodynamics, with the aim to develop a new generation of quantum devices exploiting decoherence for single photon or indistinguishable photon generation at room temperature. This regime where decoherence mostly affects the quantum emitter and not the optical resonator is completely specific to solid-state artificial atoms and cavities. It will be explored in close connection with leading experimental groups studying NV centers coupled to high Q open access cavities or photonic crystals.
The successful applicant will work in the quantum optics group of Institute Néel - CNRS (Grenoble, France) led by A. Auffèves, in a tight network of national and international collaborations. The experimental partners of the collaboration are Oxford, Cardiff, Bristol Universities, LMU Munich and Universitaet des Saarlandes
Applicants should have brought contributions in one or more of the following areas:
- theory of quantum optics
- theory of opto-mechanics
- theory of cavity quantum electrodynamics
- theory of the solid-state
Salary scale : from 2000 to 2400 euros net/month, depending on the qualification of the candidate
Starting date : November 2013
Contact : alexia.auffeves@grenoble.cnrs.fr