Postdoctoral Positions in “Quantum simulation and many-body physics with light” CQT Singapore

Job type: 

Application deadline: 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Research group: 

Postdoctoral Position in “Quantum Simulation and Many-Mody Physics with light”

The position is at the group led by Dimitris Angelakis in the Centre for Quantum Technologies Singapore. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong research background in quantum optics and quantum physics in general. Exceptional candidates from condensed matter theory (especially from strongly correlated and/or topological quantum systems) and/or quantum information will also be considered)

The research to be undertaken will be in the interface of quantum optics, condensed matter and QIP with emphasis in the studying of quantum many-body effects in driven-dissipative coupled light-matter systems and possible application in quantum simulation and computation. Candidates with experience in any of the following will be in advantage: i) Quantum many body systems ii) Circuit QED for QIP and quantum simulation iii) Quantum optics in cold atoms/nano-photonics interfaces iv) Many-body physics with exciton-polariton or highly excited Rydberg atom systems. Interested candidates with a strong background in cold atom and/or ion physics may also apply.

Applicants should have an excellent background in analytical and numerical modeling of physical problems in any of the above areas. Experience in applying sophisticated numerical techniques like DMRG and TEBD, will be a plus as also past collaboration with experimentalists.

The positions are available as soon as possible and can be up to 3 years. We accept applications until a suitable candidate is found. Salary for appointments will be between S$ 55.000-85.000 per annum depending on experience with access to travel funds as well. More senior research appointments can also be considered. Tax in Singapore for this level is roughly 5%.

Applications should be sent by email to They should contain: their CV, a summary of their past research (2 pages), a motivation letter (1 page), 1 paper/draft they consider their best work, and the contact details (email) of three referees.